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薛松 - 1半是山水,1半是火焰屋顶秧田工装

发布时间:2018-05-17 03:02:55 来源: 浏览次数:
薛松 | 1半是山水,1半是火焰 薛松在1965年诞生于安徽砀山,少年时期都在这个皖北边界的小城度过。相对自由的成长环境和小城的风土人情都成为他人生不可或缺的经历。1985年,考取上海戏剧学院舞台美术系的薛松走出了艺术道路上重要的1步。上戏宽松的学术氛围也为薛松个人的创作提供了平台。 作为在动荡和变迁中诞生,并长大的60年代人,薛松见证了中国从封闭走向开放和包容。这类深入的变化根植在时期的记忆中,并被内化为他创作的灵感。那些堆叠并交织了瞬间的变迁和久长的风物,作为他画面上的烈火燃烧后的记忆碎片,是历史和当代在同1时空的对话。焚身以火,焚心以火 火,是凤凰涅€€的光明启示,也是无尽炼狱的熊熊热浪。“火”,薛松创作的媒介,也做为重







抗洪 2002年 布面丙烯综合材料


可口可乐NO1 2014年 布面丙烯综合材料

玛丽莲梦露 2007布面丙烯综合材料


欢聚 2012布面丙烯综合材料

湖光山色图 2015布面丙烯综合材料

新山水 - 与弘仁对话 2016布面丙烯综合材料


与蒙德里安对话 2012布面丙烯综合材料

与Theo Van Doesburg对话2012布面丙烯综合材料



Xue Song | The Message from Fire

Born in 1965 in Dangshan, Anhui, the contemporary Chinese artist Xue Song spent his childhood in this small town. A relatively free environment for growth has become an indispensable experience in his life. In 1985, Xue Song took an important step toward the art scene from the Stage Art Department at the Shanghai Theatre Academy. Liberal academic atmosphere provides a platform for his personal creation.

As growing up in the turmoil in the 60s, Xue Song has been observing China’s move from being occlusive to being open. This profound change is rooted in the memory of time and is internalized into his creative inspiration. The overlapping and intertwining moments of changes and long-standing scenes, as fragments of the memory on his picture, are a dialogue between history and contemporary in the same space.

In an interview, Xue Song described in detail about the effects of the fire to his work. Fire is the bright revelation of the Nirvana, but also a hell with endless heat waves. As Xue Song’s creative medium, “fire” transcends literal meaning.He said, “It was originated from a big fire in my dormitory. Without the big fire of 1990, it was more likely that my art would go to a different path. The fire burned my joy and pain, but also burned my depression and dreams, all gone with my memory of the past. But what was left were the traces of the burned and thescorched smell.” “I found a 'trace' from this fire and found a way to speak to myself ... After the fire, I found some burned books, sheets, and pictures… I took them back and carefully pondered and collapsed them onto the canvas…This was the first experiment, a bit like a scientific experiment, very excited, and often overnight. A feeling of the birth of a new thing appeared in my meditation.”

The process of burning is just上海工装定制
like the history itself. For the generation of Xue Song, both the passion of the young generation a广州番禺区和悦社会工作服中心
nd the passion of the time seemingly are in full swing, but the fire will always fade away in the end, which西藏定做制服公司
Left ashes and ruins. Billowing, heating waves of the time, not only reflect on history but also on how does it leave the marks on the body of individual at that time.

当 前 展 览「 空 如 也 」薛 松 作 品

春江红亭2016 布面丙烯综合材料


远眺2011 布面丙烯综合材料




【ART LOCATION】漫步| 永岳小记


上海灏象文化传播有限公司2014年创建于上海,旗下杜若云章艺术空间座落于“穿行老洋房,睡闻梧桐香”的历史建筑区。通过与纽约老牌画廊沃尔特€€维克瑟 (Walter Wickiser Gallery, since 1992) 的连袂合作,秉持着艺术就是生活的理念,我们致力于打造1个国际交换平台,提供专业的艺术合作咨询与策划。

“Strolling among the old villas and resting in the scent of plane trees”. Je Fine Ar自助洗车工作服
t Space is located in the French Concession right in the heart of Shanghai. As part of Shanghai Haoxiang Culture Communication Co. Ltd. Je Fine Art Space opened in 2014 in cooperation with the Walter Wickiser Gallery (NY, since 1992). Embracing the belief that “life is art”, we devote ourselves to establishing a platform for cross-cultural discourse and providing professional art advice andplans.


